Greville Street

Greville Street

Specialist Lighting Design

Webb Australia designed the finishing touches to Greville Street with the feature catenary lighting in front of Grattan Gardens. These new catenary lighting contributes to the ambience of the street and has been well received by the community of the City of Stonington.
The new catenary lighting designed to provide illuminations to the new shared pedestrian zone at the entrance to Grattan Gardens.

The featured catenary lighting structure involved the following:
  • Over 50 customs made flower lights in various stages of bloom. Flower luminaires suspended from catenary wires at higher level. The catenary wires attached to the structural poles.
  • 4x pixel string led feature lights mounted on catenary wires and programmable by DMX for colour changing schemes. The system is programmable for 9 different pre-set lighting modes.
  • New DMX lighting control system has been design and installed for programming of different pre-set colour changing mode.
  • The design also allows the wireless programming via touch screen device for Android or iOS applications
  • The catenary design also includes two rows of continuous mesh suspended from catenary wires.
  • Design of 2No. electrical switchboards to provide power supply for new catenary lighting system and to provide power to switched socket outlets for projector and future stage equipment for different events.
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